In a typical game of poker, players are dealt five cards face down. The players can either make an open bet or fold. After each round, players may improve their hands with additional cards by replacing their own. This process is called a draw. A lowball game is usually played with one or more blinds. Some betting structures allow the big blind to call, while others require a minimum open of double the big blind. Limit poker also doubles the amount bet when a draw occurs.
Poker is played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards, although some variants add jokers to make the game more exciting. The cards have ranks of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 2, with Ace being the highest card. The four suits are the Ace, King, Queen, and Jack, and they all have two high and two low values. In a typical poker game, all hands consist of five cards. Some variants also include Wild Cards, which can be of any suit.
A tie occurs when a player has two identical hands, regardless of suit. In a tie, the two players share the pot. If a player has a high pair, the high card will win. The player with a lower pair loses the tie.